Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Baby Talk

Okay, Village Moms, what does it mean when your baby cries, "Nehhhh," versus "Owhhhh?"

According to Priscilla Dunstan of Dunstan Baby Language, "Nehhh" means, "I'm hungry-- so feed me!" while "Owhhh" means "I'm sleepy-- so rock me!" After conducting baby language research with more than 1,000 infants (newborn to 3 months old) from around the world, Priscilla, a mother herself and baby language researcher but at one time was a concert violinist and an opera mezzo soprano singer, discovered that there are meanings attached to those phonetic sounds babies make during their first three months. Her research was independently tested at Brown University's leading infant research centre and supported!

"Those 'words' are actually sound reflexes," Priscilla says. "Babies all around the world have the same reflexes, and they therefore make the same sounds," she says. "[And] if parents don't respond to those reflexes, the baby will eventually stop using them," says Priscilla.

Interesting?! To find out more about Priscilla Dunstan and the Dunstan Baby Language, log onto or view her appearance on Oprah's November 13, 2006 show-- Then click on "Listen to secret Language babies" to view 'Baby Talk'.

Miss Sunny


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