Friday, February 23, 2007

Beat the Drum

Kindermusik families know just how much babies and children love to drum in class! But did you know that there are documented cognitive, emotional and health benefits associated with playing the drums?

According to PressZoom : "Drumming increases heart rate and blood flow just like an aerobic exercise. The process of drumming engages both the linear, ( rational left brain ) and the creative, ( intuitive right brain ). It slows the brain waves to around 8 cycles per second, the exact frequency of the earth."

“Playing the drums makes the brain think in a way that very few activities can,” said Pat Brown, International Drum Month chairman and Percussion Marketing Council co-executive director. "...the most recent study shows that being constantly exposed to this type of brain activity can actually improve one's IQ level.”

And according to Winston-Salem Chronicles Set. 27, 2001 article, "modern scientific research shows that drumming and music aid in cognitive, emotional social, language and physical development. According to neurologists, drumming also helps reduce stress and improve immune system function." Hat tip to HealthBeat.

If you're interested in purchasing drums for yourself or your children, check out Remo drum makers for over 45 years.

Rum, tum, tum. Beat the drum!


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