Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Emotional Life of a Toddler

The Emotional Life of the Toddler by Alica F. Lieberman, Ph.D. is an excellent book! I know I've been talking this book up in class but if your child is between the ages of one and three, this is a must read-- it will help you better understand your child and her behavior from her emotional stand point. Not only does this book address the "why's" of your toddler's sometimes bewildering behavior but it's written in such a positive, encouraging and supportive voice.

Lieberman identifies four main temperament types of children in her book:
1. The Easy toddler- who is typically flexible in any type of situations,
2. The Active toddler- who is movement oriented and thrives on language,
3. The Shy toddler- who adjusts fine but needs extra time to warm up to new people and environment, and
4. The Difficult toddler-- who demonstrates intense emotions and typically finds daily routines and/or transitions extremely difficult.

Lieberman offers great insight and delightful vignettes which you will find all too familiar both at home and public setting, including the Kindermusik classroom! As you know, temperament is something each of us are born with. I appreciate Lieberman's insight that children who are "difficult" do not purposely and intentionally go out of their ways to be difficult. All children need loving and nurturing guidance, but the "difficult toddlers" need it even more! Parents of "difficult toddlers" also need more support and understanding from everyone, especially their friends and family. Unfortunately, however, the impulsive human response to "difficult toddlers" and their parents is often harsh and critical judgment...

Read this book!


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