Monday, October 01, 2007

Lessons from Wild Geese

"Nature teaches us incredible lessons through the actions of birds and animals. Their instincts seem so finely tuned." Boaz Rauchwerger

Whenever I see a flock of birds in flight, I'm always amazed at how perfectly coordinated and organized they fly together in that V shape formation.

In a recent conversation with Patte from N Magazine, she shared a wonderful factoid about how a flock of geese work together during long migrations, and what lessons we humans can learn from their behavior-- I decided to find out more.

Fact #1: Did you know that when a flock of geese fly together in V formation, they are able to fly 71% farther than if each bird flew on its own because of the uplift created by the flapping wings of each bird?

Fact #2: The loud honking we often hear from geese in flight is a way for the birds to encourage one another to keep going and to maintain steady speed (or steady beat, perhaps!).

Fact #3: When one goose is hurt and has to land, two other geese leave the formation to follow the injured bird. They stay to protect and support their feathered friend, and later rejoin the flock or form a new formation.

So what can we learn from these behaviors?

Lesson #1: "Sharing the same direction and working as a team, get us to the destination quicker and easier. By helping ourselves, the accomplishments are greater!" Lesson from The Geese

Lesson #2: "When there is courage and encouragement, the progress is greater... A timely word of encouragement, always motivates, helps and strengthens... It produces the best of benefits..." Lesson from The Geese

Lesson #3: "If we bond together and support each other… If we make true the spirit of teamwork… Regardless of our differences, we can rise to meet our challenge." Lesson from The Geese

Pretty inspiring, don't you think? So the next time you and your baby sing and dance to Wild Geese are Flying from your Village Feather's collection, visualize that V formation of teamwork, encouragement and support found in your Kindermusik class and community!


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